Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Advertising and Promotion

Promotion is a very interesting category to me. Mass media advertisements like television, radio, magazine, and newspaper ads are everywhere. Not a day goes by that I do not see atleast ten advertisements. Marketers have gotten trickier over the years, too. People, especially teens, don't respond to ads the way they used to. It is becoming increasingly difficult for marketers to get consumers to want to listen to what they have to say with innovations like tivo and DVR. Ads need to catch the eye of the consumer quickly. Marketers often use popular music and celebrities to accomplish this.
The image above is a Calvin Klein advertisement from 1980. Calvin was the first designer to stamp his name on the back of jeans. Many designers thought denim to be beneath them and did not ever consider it to be a profitable market. Calvin decided to take this challenge on, and he created a whole new kind of ad campaign to go along with his new denim. Calvin Klein used very young up and coming models, rather than high profile, older models. He wanted to catch the eye of young people. His ads were considered vulgar and risque by many, but they got him the attention he wanted and his career soared. Since the origination of his innovative idea, many companies picked up on it, and using young models is still an advertising practice used today.

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